About Keratoconus > Treatment for Keratoconus

Treatment for Keratoconus

In early stage keratoconus, distortion of vision can be treated using glasses to correct minor myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism caused by the condition. As keratoconus advances, gas permeable (GP) contact lenses are the first choice to correct vision. Most of the time, this is a permanent remedy.

The ROSE K lens has a number of features that make it ideal for keratoconus and is internationally recognised as the leading lens for the treatment of keratoconus.

  • The lenses are designed using complex computer models and manufactured on special computerized lathes.
  • The complex geometry of ROSE K lenses takes into account the conical shape of the cornea in all stages of the condition.
  • Lenses can be customised to suit each eye and can correct the myopia and astigmatism associated with the condition.
  • ROSE K lenses allow the cornea to 'breathe' oxygen directly through the lens material providing excellent health to the eye.
  • The lenses are easy to insert, remove and clean.

Most people can successfully manage their condition using special keratoconus contact lenses, however in a small number of cases where the cornea can no longer successfully be fitted with contact lenses, a corneal transplant may be needed.

Who Gets Keratoconus?

The actual incidence of keratoconus is estimated to occur in 1 to 5 persons per 1,000 in the general population. Keratoconus is generally first diagnosed in young people at puberty or in their late teens but can also be first diagnosed in people in their 40's or 50's. Keratoconus has no known geographic, cultural or social pattern, however its incidence seems to be higher in isolated populations. With continuing improvements to diagnostic equipment and eye care practitioner training, more cases of keratoconus are being diagnosed.

What Causes Keratoconus?

The characteristics of keratoconus have been known for at least 200 years, but the specific causes are still undetermined. Several theories have been proposed:

  • One scientific theory is that keratoconus is genetic in origin. About 7% of patients have other family members with the disease.
  • Another view holds that keratoconus is a degenerative condition perhaps linked to the altered balance between enzymes and inhibitors within the cornea.
  • Keratoconus may also be secondary to some disease processes.
  • A hypothesis has also been proposed that keratoconus may involve the endocrine system (hormones) since the condition is often diagnosed in young people at puberty or in their late teens.

While the exact cause of keratoconus has not yet been determined, research into keratoconus continues and new treatment options are continually under development.